20 more mythology icons. In addition to the requested boyfriend/girlfriend icons, I've made some of paintings and sculptures of mythological subjects. It was challenging but quite fun!
24 icons for fan(cier)s of Greek mythology. As with the previous set of this kind, you can comment with the names of any other characters you'd like an icon of. If there are enough suggestions, I'll make another set.
Sorry this took a while! Here are the first 40 of the requested boyfriend icons. These cover the first two pages of comments plus a bit of the third. The rest will be coming soon! Thank-you for your patience. ♥
1-2: Twilight 3-10: Harry Potter 11-15: Lord of the Rings 16: Pride and Prejudice 17-18: Pirates of the Caribbean 19-20: Spider-man 21-22: Star Wars 23-24: Abhorsen Trilogy